The breakdown of a marriage or de-facto relationship creates a great deal of emotional strain adding to the difficulty of making any long-term decisions.
Obtaining expert legal advice at this difficult time will help to reduce your personal burden and allow you to make fully informed decisions taking into consideration your rights and entitlements.
For example, the law recognises non-financial contributions from parties, such as raising children and performing domestic duties, and treats such contributions as being equal to financial contributions, such as maintaining constant employment.
It is important that you resolve all property issues in a timely fashion so that you are able to move forward with your life. Most people fail to consider that the Court is able to deal with all of a party’s assets as at the date of the hearing, even those assets which were acquired after the breakdown of the relationship.
At Capitol Legal we aim to resolve all disputes as soon as possible and in accordance with the Conciliation and Mediation schemes adopted by the Federal Circuit & Family Court of Australia. This approach helps to minimise stress and legal costs while at the same time helping to ensure that your valuable legal rights, based on your contributions during the course of the relationship, are recognised and protected.